Saturday, April 11, 2009

Day 37

We went to the IT mall today!
It was a very hot day today. I was sweating while shopping.
We went from one shopping mall to another, hoping to find some cheap electronics. However, we did not manage to find any things that is cheap and good.
I found out that the promoters here are more persistant than in Singapore. They will follow you up to 5 metres to try to pull you into their shop. Most promoters in Simlim Square will only start promoting when you step into their shop. I feel that being persistant can be good or bad. The good part is that the customer might get interested, however the bad part is that the customer might feel annoyed and frustrated. As for me, I admitted that I do feel a little annoyed when the whole stretch of promoters were standing in a row trying to pull me in.

My main objective on coming here is to find the fake Ipod Nano that Mr.Chua told me. We managed to find a little roadside stall run by two men and one lady. It was quite cheap as what Mr.Chua had mentioned, but the functions of the ipod was not good. So, I decided not to buy it. Perhaps that was not the stall Mr.Chua bought it from.

We then walked out of IT Mall where we came to another stretch of shops and shopping Mall where they sell clothes instead of electronics.
I found myself a Jeans.

At night, XinRong, stefen and I went up to JitSiong and Ernest's room. We chatted and had some instant noodles for supper. We chatted till about 4am before we went back to our own bunks.
It is fun to have a little chat and fun together during midnight, even though it may be quite tiring.

Day 38

I were suppose to wake up at around 9 or 10am to prepare to go to Hankou for shopping. However due to last night's late sleep, I woke up late today. Anyway, we still went to Hankou.

We took a van to Hankou after some negotiation with the driver. We only have left with about 2 days to shop. So I had to finish buying all the things I wanted in these few days.
I bought quite many things today, compared to previous days when I hardly buy anything. I bought a shirt for myself and stuffs back for my family and friends.

We had our dinner at Pizzahut. It was rather cheaper than Singapore's. There were a chain of funny incidents.
We were talking in English, and one of the waitress thought that we could not speak Chinese. So she went to called another waitress who knows English to serve us. She only realized that we could speak Chinese only after 5 minutes.
Knowing that we are Singaporeans, she told us that she had always wanted to come to Singapore. She even had a friend who studies at Republic Polytechnic. So we chatted and she asked us questions like how much money is needed to come to Singapore to have fun.
The funniest part is in Dave's pizza. Dave ordered an Hawaiian Pizza. But he realized that there wasn't any pineapple in his pizza. So he called the waitress and the manager came to change his pizza. Rather than feeling unsatisfaction, we found it funny. Even the group of waitress and the manager also laughed.
After having the interesting meal in Pizzahut, we decided to head back to school. We called the same van that brought us here.

Something I would like to share. There was two incidents today at Hankou while we were shopping.
First incident was between a taxt driver and a motorcyclist. We did not really see how the incident happened, but we saw both of them quarreling. The taxi driver got our of his cab and started yelling while walking towards the motorcyclist. However, after quarreling, the taxi driver who was the one started the quarrel, realized that the fault lies in him. So, he quiet down and got into his taxi. And then the funny part comes - an injured man, with his left arm bandaged, ran and got into his taxi. I doubt that the injured man knew about the quarrel. I wonder what will happen to him as he just got into a taxi with the driver boiling in anger.
Furthermore, we also realized that on that particular street, there were about eight police cars parking at the roadside, but we did not even see a single policeman on duty. We did not bring any camera to take a picture of that incident.
Quite a dramatic scene.

Secondly was between a group of businessmen. They were standing right at the center of the path, quarreling. They were yelling quite loudly. We did not stay to watch the incident.

So, I can actually tell that the local people are quite hot-tempered from these two incidents. However, they can be very friendly too just like the Pizzahut waitress who served us.


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