Saturday, March 28, 2009

Day 24

This post is suppose to be posted yesterday. But I forgot to post after I post my Photo Essay. Forgetful me.

Today, we visited Yangtze Optical Fiber and Cable Company Ltd (长飞光纤光缆有限公司).
We took the school bus to the Factory. It is only about 15 to 20 minutes ride.

Wow, Siew Bo is so hardworking, studying inside the bus! I need to learn more from him.

Yangtze Optical Fiber and Cable Company Ltd

We were not allowed to take pictures inside the factory where all the work is being done. However, we were only allowed to take pictures in the main hall, which is the entrance.

So before we enter the factory, there was a local guide, Mr. Qian (Mr. Money) who gave us a brief explanation on the processes of the manufacturing of optical fibres.

And since some of us do not understand Chinese, Mr. Chua shall be our translator of the day.

Mr. Chua did a great job in translating from Chinese into English (:

Optical Fibres are being made by pulling the preform into thin, long optical fibres as long as 200 kilometres each bundle. And the diameter of the optical fibres is about the diameter one hair. There is also a test on the products. If the optical fibres is able to be pulled more than 50km, it is considered as a pass.

Ngee Ann OIP Group Photo at the Factory

We went back to our bunks after the visit ended at around noon. We rested while some studied and get ready for the APPG Theory Test at 4pm.

The test was more difficult than the trial test. I manage to complete it with little problems. However, I got the last question wrong, I did not read the question properly, and I used a different method to solve it. Pity.

Today's industrial Visit is much better than the visit to the Steel-making factory. This time we had a guide to explain to us the processes, and a good translator.

Day 25

Today is a very tiring day for most of us, or perhaps for our legs.

Ill start from today morning. We all had a bad start today. Some of woke up late such as Satish and Sebastian. They woke up at about 8am when we were suppose to gather at 8.15am. We did not know that the both of them had not wake up yet, as they were mostly the ones who will wake up earlier than us.
We all gathered on time, however, the bus was late. Due to the rain, the bus got delayed by some traffic jam. So we had to find shelter and wait patiently for the bus to arrive.

Some of us got drenched in the rain.

The bus came after about nearly thirty minutes. And we're off to Hankou, and as usual with our tour guide, Xiao Qing. This may be the last time trip together with him.
The bus trip took us about one hour. I am freeeezing the moment I alight the bus. The highest temperature was only 10 degree celsius.
Actually we were suppose to go have a look around the gardens of Hankou, but due to the rain and freezing weather, we were asked to go shopping first.

The prices in Hankou are about the same as the prices in Singapore, or maybe just slightly cheaper.

Our breakfast/lunch at MacDonalds.
Almost all of us ordered the Pork Burger (麻辣猪堡包)

It was nice and cheap. We decided to try it out since Singapore's MacDonalds does not sell Pork burgers.

Some funny photos we took as we walked along Bu Xing Jie

At around 3pm, we gathered and were suppose to head back to school. However, some of us intend to go to the shopping area near Yellow Crane Tower. So the driver stopped at the location and most of us alighted, while some of them headed back to school.
This is the place where they sell cheap stuffs like clothes and shoes. We moved as a group and shopped together. We walked for hours and hours until the sun sets. We then had our dinner at Hu Bu Xiang, the famous place for breakfast. The food taste equally good as the food during breakfast.
All of us then took cab back to school with satisfaction after buying the things we wanted.

Today is a fruitful day for me, other than learning the processes of Optical Fibre making, I get to shop at a lot of different places. It has been quite long since we had time for shopping.


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