Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Day 28

Dave was feeling weak today morning, so he woke up later than usual and went to class later, while I stayed back with him to accompany him. Lessons started at 9am while we reached the class at about 10am.

So again, APPG lessons. Because we were accompanying Dave in hospital yesterday night, I did not have the time to do my Lab 6. So I was trying to finish it today.
I kept having errors in my Lab 6. I redo many times and it was just a small mistake.

During the break, I was too tired and I jumped on to my bed the moment I went into my room, without putting down my bagpack and taking off my socks. And I actually fell asleep for about I think 15 minutes before I throw my bagpack aside. So, I spent the break time sleeping.

after class, we went straight to bunk to rest.
I bathed and realized I'm nosebleeding. It was not that serious though. I think it is because of the weather is too cold.

Have to get back to my APPG now.


Blogger Unknown said...

i think nose bleeding in this weather is really common!
btw, dunno if you still check your orange chewy blog, but then just to let you know, i wun be meeting you in wuhan ler cos i will only be going there in may. Too much assignments to rush right now.

Have fun in wuhan okies.
the 6 weeks is ending soon and, you will be back in sunny singapore in a matter of time!
i want to be back also!

take care loads and and and,
eat my share of kit kat when you are in singapore arh!

April 1, 2009 at 11:05 AM  

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