Monday, March 30, 2009

Day 26

Today morning was free and easy!
We were planning to go to the IT mall for shopping but we did not in the end. Some of us woke up late, thus we did not have much time left before the BBQ with the local students starts.

Around 4.30pm, some of us went to carry the BBQ equipments and food to the BBQ location. We finally reached there and guess what, the BBQ pits were locked inside a room, and the person in charge with the keys had already went home, as today is a Sunday.

So, we moved the foods and equipments from one place to another, while the others were trying to get the BBQ pits. And finally, we were able to get the BBQ pits and we started the pits at a garden.
We encountered problems in starting up the pits. We could not get the charcoals burning as we did not have firestarters. So, we actually went to collect dry leafs and grasses to burn to get the fire started.

Some of us went to prepare those raw food.

It took us about one or two hours before the pits are ready.
Finally the pits were hot and ready! Let's get started!

It has gotten dark!

and some photos with the local students!

After the BBQ party which was about 10pm, we were already starting to clean up the place. However, Zhihui then realised that he had lost his spectacles. So the few of us grabbed a few torchlights and went searching for it in the dark. Sadly, we did not managed to find it. So, we decided to come search for it again the following day when it is bright for us to see.

In conclusion, the BBQ was a success, and it was fun, especially when we were trying to start up the pits, even though it caused us some trouble. It was the first time that I am feeling cold in a BBQ party. Also had fun interacting with the local students, and had a nice chat with Alex.

Day 27

Lessons start at 10am today instead of the usual at 9am. So Zhihui, Xinrong and I woke up earlier and planned to go search for Zhihui's spectacles. And luckily, we managed to find it, and the spectacles was just lying on the grass near one of the BBQ pits. It is weird that none of us actually found it.

We went to have breakfast and went straight to class. After class, we went back to our bunks. We then decided to go to play some tabletennis. Dave was feeling a little unwell, so he stayed back to rest.

After we came back from tabletennis, we realised Dave was feeling very sick. He was vomitting in the toilet. We informed Mr.Chua and Mr.Ma and we sent Dave to the hospital beside our school.
Poor Dave, he had a blood test, injection and had to inject gulose because of his empty stomach.

He was feeling alright already when we took these pictures.
and do not worry, he is almost as good as new now.

Everyone take good care of yourselves!


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