Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Day 39

Went to Si Men Kou again to shop. There were about 10 of us so we splitted up into two groups. Zhihui, XinRong, Ben and I took a taxi while the rest took a mini van. The four of us reached first and we started shopping at the ATM shopping mall first. Even before the rest reached, we already did quite a lot of shopping.
Then after the rest reached, they told us the reason why they were late. They met with an incident, about their driver having a fight with other people. The driver took out a wrench and hit the other guy. Even though the driver got into the fight, but he was still responsible enough to advise them to take a taxi.
Anyway, luckily they did not got into trouble.

*Shop Shop Shop*

After shopping, some of us decided to go back to school, while Ernest, Xinrong, Zhihui and I decided to have some Steak. So we went Houcaller to eat Steak again!

After having our steak, we decided to head back to school by taking a taxi. It was raining quite heavily outside, and we were standing by the roadside trying to hail a taxi. However, all of the taxi were heading to Hankou, so none of them were willing to take us. But in the end, we still managed to get a taxi willing to take us in. It was a young driver who I think is not older than 30 years old. I think he is qualified to be a racer. He was driving at quite a high speed, turning sharp corners, cutting lanes, overtaking other cars, even driving at the opposite lane. Furthermore, it was raining, you will never know when the car tyres might lose grip because of the wet surface. Anyway, we still got back safely, instead, it is a thrilling and fun trip for me.

Were suppose to have fireworks sessions, but because of the bad weather, it was postponed to the following day. Zhihui, Xinrong and I did not know about the postpone, and when we were about to leave, we saw Mr.Ma and he told us about it. Luckily we saw Mr.Ma or we would have gone up to the place and wait. Anyway, Mr.Ma was planning to have dinner outside, so we decided to accompany him to have dinner. We had our dinner at a restaurant just outside our school. There were only four of us, and we ordered five dishes. One of the vegestables we ordered was very salty, and Mr.Ma ordered the waitress to rinse it with water to make it less salty.

Day 40

Did not go anywhere today. We planned to stay in our bunks to rest and finish up our work. So Zhihui, Xinrong and I went up to Mr.Chua's empty room, since he is not using it.

However, instead of doing our work, we 'opened' a LAN shop over there. We were playing computer games together.

At night, we had a small gathering at 4th floor. We played poker games together before leaving for Singapore soon.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Day 37

We went to the IT mall today!
It was a very hot day today. I was sweating while shopping.
We went from one shopping mall to another, hoping to find some cheap electronics. However, we did not manage to find any things that is cheap and good.
I found out that the promoters here are more persistant than in Singapore. They will follow you up to 5 metres to try to pull you into their shop. Most promoters in Simlim Square will only start promoting when you step into their shop. I feel that being persistant can be good or bad. The good part is that the customer might get interested, however the bad part is that the customer might feel annoyed and frustrated. As for me, I admitted that I do feel a little annoyed when the whole stretch of promoters were standing in a row trying to pull me in.

My main objective on coming here is to find the fake Ipod Nano that Mr.Chua told me. We managed to find a little roadside stall run by two men and one lady. It was quite cheap as what Mr.Chua had mentioned, but the functions of the ipod was not good. So, I decided not to buy it. Perhaps that was not the stall Mr.Chua bought it from.

We then walked out of IT Mall where we came to another stretch of shops and shopping Mall where they sell clothes instead of electronics.
I found myself a Jeans.

At night, XinRong, stefen and I went up to JitSiong and Ernest's room. We chatted and had some instant noodles for supper. We chatted till about 4am before we went back to our own bunks.
It is fun to have a little chat and fun together during midnight, even though it may be quite tiring.

Day 38

I were suppose to wake up at around 9 or 10am to prepare to go to Hankou for shopping. However due to last night's late sleep, I woke up late today. Anyway, we still went to Hankou.

We took a van to Hankou after some negotiation with the driver. We only have left with about 2 days to shop. So I had to finish buying all the things I wanted in these few days.
I bought quite many things today, compared to previous days when I hardly buy anything. I bought a shirt for myself and stuffs back for my family and friends.

We had our dinner at Pizzahut. It was rather cheaper than Singapore's. There were a chain of funny incidents.
We were talking in English, and one of the waitress thought that we could not speak Chinese. So she went to called another waitress who knows English to serve us. She only realized that we could speak Chinese only after 5 minutes.
Knowing that we are Singaporeans, she told us that she had always wanted to come to Singapore. She even had a friend who studies at Republic Polytechnic. So we chatted and she asked us questions like how much money is needed to come to Singapore to have fun.
The funniest part is in Dave's pizza. Dave ordered an Hawaiian Pizza. But he realized that there wasn't any pineapple in his pizza. So he called the waitress and the manager came to change his pizza. Rather than feeling unsatisfaction, we found it funny. Even the group of waitress and the manager also laughed.
After having the interesting meal in Pizzahut, we decided to head back to school. We called the same van that brought us here.

Something I would like to share. There was two incidents today at Hankou while we were shopping.
First incident was between a taxt driver and a motorcyclist. We did not really see how the incident happened, but we saw both of them quarreling. The taxi driver got our of his cab and started yelling while walking towards the motorcyclist. However, after quarreling, the taxi driver who was the one started the quarrel, realized that the fault lies in him. So, he quiet down and got into his taxi. And then the funny part comes - an injured man, with his left arm bandaged, ran and got into his taxi. I doubt that the injured man knew about the quarrel. I wonder what will happen to him as he just got into a taxi with the driver boiling in anger.
Furthermore, we also realized that on that particular street, there were about eight police cars parking at the roadside, but we did not even see a single policeman on duty. We did not bring any camera to take a picture of that incident.
Quite a dramatic scene.

Secondly was between a group of businessmen. They were standing right at the center of the path, quarreling. They were yelling quite loudly. We did not stay to watch the incident.

So, I can actually tell that the local people are quite hot-tempered from these two incidents. However, they can be very friendly too just like the Pizzahut waitress who served us.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Day 36

Had a good sleep last night. Woke up at 10am and to get ready for the Miniproject interview.

Ohhhhh, a pity!
I had a small small error in my program. I had forgotten to close my StreamReader and there was an error while processing the StreamWriter. But the main functions of my programs are working fine. So, overall everything was fine other than the error.
Hope Mr.Ma won't deduct much marks from that error!

Went for an extreme makeover at a Salon at Guang Gu with Zhihui, Xinrong and JitSiong.
Well, not really a makeover. Just a haircut and getting my hair dyed.

A photo with the 店长 who is the Manager and the Top hairdresser. He was the one who cut and styled my hair.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Day 35

Today was both a fun and tiring day - OBS

We played some games while waiting for the other Ngee Ann group to join us.

After the other groups had reached, we gathered and were split into different groups.
I was in the 'Yellow Flag' group. We were told to think of a group name, a cheer, as well as a logo for our team. We took quite awhile to think and we finally came up with this teamname - SpongeBobes.

and then came another interesting game. The game was about a Tank Wheel or something.
We were supposed to make a 'Tank Wheel' using newspapers enough to contain all of us and to move without breaking. We were not given any other equipments to help us in making it. We can only only only use newspapers.

Finally a lunch break after all the action under the sun. We went to Xiao Tian Yuan again for lunch, together with the other divisions. Since they were unfamiliar with this place, we introduced them to the restaurant. While we still had some time, we invited some people from the other divisions to our hostel to have a look.
Well, I guess we have a much much much better living environment than them. They were totally shocked. We are fortunate to have this living environment and to cherish and not to take it for granted.

After our break, it was time to continue our adventure. But our adventure started with a small little game again. Every group had to get one representative out. And the instructor would name some items, and each group had to get the items to their representative. After all the chaos, the poor representative had to return all the items back to the owner, without any help (supposingly).

After all the games and all, it was time for some real adventure.
We had three stations and all the three stations was related to height. We had Thrust Fall, Broken Bridge and the Rock Climbing.

The whole adventure ended at around 5.30pm.

The Ngee Ann Reunion Photo.

Sunset, we must not miss the opportunity! (Although we have many)


The Sunset was so beautiful. Unlike here in Wuhan, I can hardly find any places to watch the Sunset in Singapore.

And not forgetting the European Stage!

It was a good day having all the adventure and different experiences. And most importantly able to work as a team with other groups.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Day 33

We planned to stay in our bunks today to have a good good rest.
Its been quite awhile since I have a very good rest.
So today, I slept to my content and woke up naturally.

We then went to play basketball to have some fun. We were planning on playing tabletennis again, but the club house was not opened as it was a Sunday. Anyway, since the weather is good with the sun shining above us, we headed to the basketball court instead. It feels good to exercise under the sun, furthermore we will not sweat due to the cool weather.
In Singapore, I will sweat a lot just by standing under the sun for ten minutes. However, in the weather now in Wuhan, I can play basketball for an hour under the sun without sweating. Thats one of the reason why I loved Wuhan.

Time passes specially fast today, I do not know why.
We played till about 7pm. We went for dinner and we went back to our bunks. I did some work, Miniproject and IS report.
I was very tired and sleepy today, and about 10.30pm, I started sleeping. After a few minutes after I closed my eyes, Jit Siong came to my room. He said that Ernest bought a huge cake and invite us to their bunk. However, during that time, I was already half asleep. I closed my eyes and hesitated, but I fell asleep seconds later.

Day 34

Woke up in the morning and did my Miniproject. I've finished the main functions of my program, I just need to do a final touchup before completion.
I did until the others wake up to have lunch together before the extra class. I need revision on chapter 7.

After class, we went back to bunk and then out again for dinner at about 7.30pm with Xinrong and Zhihui. As we were walking to Hua Tai Jie, we walked passed a man by the roadside who just got down from a cab. He had his back facing us as we walked pass. As we walked past, we felt that the man resembles someone, Mr.Ma! and indeed he was.
He just came back and we heard from Mr.Chua that Mr.Ma's leg is having some problems, and had difficulty walking. So, we walked Mr.Ma to a restaurant to wait for Mr.Chua. Get well soon and take care Mr.Ma!

Back to our dinner. We ate at Hua Tai Jie again today. And as usual, we ordered Tang Yuan and dumplings from the same stall. We ordered quite a lot today, and this time, the auntie gave us aditional 11 dumplings for free. Since we are regular customers who go to buy TangYuan from them almost everyday, the auntie and her family who are tending the stall treated us nicely.
This shows how nice some locals can get. Every cent to them is important, however they simply gave us free dumplings without hesitation. Money may be important, but relationships may be more important for them.

As we were walking back to hostel after dinner, we saw Mr.Ma, Mr and Mrs. Chua and the hospital. Mr.Ma went to see the doctor due to the leg injury. We chatted awhile and headed back to bunk.

About one week left before we are leaving for Singapore. There are still many work to do.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Day 31

Had APPG Revision in class today. Mr.Ma gave out our Theory Test 1 paper and went through it. Well, I got 79 for it, which was lower than expected. There were many mistakes but I do not know why its wrong. There were just circles here and there and I do not know why. Haha. Anyways, should have score better for this test, as the next theory test will be expectedly more difficult.

Afternoon was free and easy. We did some work and slacked in our bunks before we went to have our lunch at 3pm. We then went straight for Tabletennis again after our lunch.

We did not play as good when the camera starts rolling.

Then I came up with an idea. We played a game and there will be a punishment. If you failed to hit the ball to the otherside, you will have to do push ups. 2 push-ups for every ball failed to go over. It will be accumulated and it will stop until the first person to reach 20 push-ups.
We played quite a few rounds and Xinrong did the most. Its a good training for us, or perhaps exercise.

We went outside to buy dinner after that which is about 8pm.
So we all finally had more time to rest, and at the same time had more fun also. It will still be free and easy for the next few days. I had to finish up my work as soon as possible, and revise for the coming test. Study hard now and Play hard later.

Day 32

Woke up at 9am in the morning and got ready to go Hankou for some shopping. This time, 2 local students, Wen Qian and Wen Si brought the 8 of us there and we went to shop together.
We took 901 to a place near to the IT Mall to meet them before we head to Hankou by Bus 608. There were not many people taking bus today, perhaps its because of the bad weather. Its cold and raining. To us, it was actually drizzling only, however, Wen Si claimed that it was raining very heavily. Well, I guess for them, it was considered a heavy rain.

Anyway, we reached there at about 2.30pm? I lost track of time. We started our shopping spreeeeeeeeee.
They introduced us to a shopping centre but we went there before, but we were in a rush that time. But this time, we can take our time and move slowly. We shopped one after another. Most of us bought shirts and jeans. However, I only bought a few accessories.
We shopped till 6.30pm and we started discussing whether to go to the night market or head back to school. We decided to carry on with our shopping after much hesitation.

The Hankou at night is beautiful.

We came to a steak restaurant and had our dinner there.
First impression on the restaurant, "Wow!". The restaurant does not seems to be a high class restaurant, however it looked like it is a very high class restaurant. It was so dark and comfortable inside. We all felt rested and comfortable when we went in as we were all feeling very tired after all the walking.

We took cab back to school after our dinner. We forget to take photo together. We took a cab to Hanyang and then another cab to Wuchang. It is cheaper that way.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Day 30

IS lessons again today!
and we continued the lecture on Traditional Thoughts. But before that, we were asked to fill the Evaluation form for this OIP trip. I guess I do not need to write it here.

After the break, we went to another classroom for a lecture on Feng Shui. And this time, we used the headphones to make teaching easier. And indeed, it really helped us to concentrate more.
The lecture was quite interesting to me as I feel that Feng Shui is quite amusing. I learnt many new things about Feng Shui like the different procedures of Wedding, the Bagua which consist of Water, Wood, Fire etc, and the arrangements of your house to improve the Feng Shui.

After class, Zhihui, Dave and I went to play tabletennis again. We are addicted to tabletennis already. Haha!

Anyway, this weekend's outdoor trip is being cancelled. That means more time for us to prepare for the APPG test, which also means that we can rest more. Thanks Mr.Ma and Mr.Chua for the understanding.